Raymond J. Negron
10 min readDec 15, 2018

A Dr. Seuss session of listening artfully to the lesson as a Guide’s Journey to masterfully listening to his Guest inner-cise towards discovering the truth beneath the surface… TRUTH DISCLAIMER:

“You may need to READ THIS article TWICE to get it and it’s powerful once you get it”

“We have two ears and one mouth so that we can listen twice as much as we speak” -Epictetus


Most people speak SO loudly in there thought heads when they Must THINKINGLY listen to what they are saying and hearing themselves so clearly and concisely within their own state of mind by mastering the inner states of logic and emotion that pulses through each thought like a radiant monkey.

When the monkey is tame, calm, confident and chewing thoroughly each thought clearly and concisely until it is fine dust and doing the work before it goes to the next step of inner digestion it helps the next state and stage to develop towards a strong awareness of being of what to do next..


Quietly listening to the intuitive state and the logic which is the information it has to work with, and knows about what it needs to be decisive with it’s own inner trust of vision to Guide itself to the direction of being as we course correct towards a controlled state of being through doing.

Other peoples desire to listen clearly when they speak to deeply hear there very own truth sayer within them to understand there own states of thinking as we grind the gears with the proper oil to elicit a response instead of a reaction is a very rare steak state of being to get into…

Most other people cannot cut through the noise in an orderly fashion that grants them access to the most relevant sounds of the predator mind, aka monkey mind, aka fear state unless they are guided with quality questions to the source of there mind POLLUTION covered with solution.

That’s where a Guide comes in to open the flood gates of there inner mind with a Quality Question that seeps in to start it all and control the gate of whether it opens to let it out or floods the body with an inner fight/flight or statue response, which usually ends us up to being in a state of chosen chaos or creating a habitual way of us doing the things we know we shouldn’t be doing…


It’s submerged into the depths of the subconscious abyss awaiting to be woken or already laid in the land of unfactual knowing, truly cutting off a gentle reminder of the truth as our dreams have stayed submerged into our unconsciousness. We don’t like the truth once we believed we have established our own form of our formative, stubborn years of experience that most needs to be unlearned.


That old adage of our age ole’ wisened teacher, former slave Epictetus, above proves my point when the contusion of confusion is just an illusion we need to listen, to truly listen for the bits, pieces of sorted rubbish that gets extracted in the mindset but to actually discover and dig into finding the morsels of the truth of the crucible crux of what really matters to our Guests aka Clients.


I’m always curious, I want to conduct a thought experiment as a Guide that’s always on the road to mastery learning. I consider myself a Masterful Coach because I am always seeking mastery through faith and the courage of my convictions to explore and implore there truth layers…


What if we became more silent, more often, when we coach our clients to greatness to truly listen to what they say by creating that white space of SHH! time between us to hear them thinking through the abyss towards there lighthouse thoughts.


(NOTE: Not being quiet for the sake of being quiet. Being quiet when the coach, friend, a colleague needs to truly listen to for the answers the Guest before them seeks out)

Photo by Les Triconautes on Unsplash

Their words, their careful silence, their ever so slight gestures of body language that ALERTS us to something so much deeper than words for absolute truth that we thought was the truth, that is under the other words that we thought was truthfully the truth, what goes unsaid becomes the raveling of the unraveling of the deeper YARNED truth solution and the revealing of the truth mists us to the solution that we seek of there destiny of the untangling of the web below and beheld under the surface of the desires that fire and inspire us to light up the pyre with more powerful questions to deepen their own desires to the kingdom of them.

Ask a great, quality question.

Photo by Kristina Flour on Unsplash

“What do you want?”

STOP talking, even if it’s awkward, I listen and look neutrally and just listen for more. Then when the forever pause takes place as they fill the void with a colorful kaleidoscope of shadow calling SCREAMS that are just answers form the past creation that circumnavigate to the truth, allowing themselves to be the truth serum for now and letting them be the ones to fill the uncomfortable space with their message as they figure out through a more profound thinking filter of deep discovery. Let’s go further!

While we think we each have a bold, powerful answer battling for truth within a milli-seconds time frame of fight or flight of another truth solution beneath the surface of that one. Some people know their truth right away and have always known it and let it sink and go away only to surface it later when faced with a Guide that brings out the truth of their ultimate life or Never... Most of the time… Loving what is… bring us to the graveyard of zero potential.

It then submerges deep from the forgotten back up then to rise up to the surface again for the hedging of the truth as it rubs against its own reality for the reality of the answers of the real answer simmering to a boil as they all need to sew be our Guest can personally tackle it, instead of spackle it back into the subconsciousness as they think-think-think-thnk it through and out in the recesses of the monkey mind where poo splatters and the teeth chatter. Owning it is another reason disguised as comfort and discovery…


If we’re not listening to the words, the sounds beneath the herd of sounded words, the orchestrated concerto of mismanaged body mangled language, the unconscious conscious of incompetence to competence, the ebb, the flow and the banal CRY woes of the battle-weary mind within the fight, flight or find the wind tunnel hole of a lost abode through the ole waged war of sin that’s missing its mark in the dark CRACK grin and everything is likened to a maestro of our own creaky creation as facts and feeling become our constant sensations as dis-creation of everyday traction become the truth of of everyday reactions. A stimulation of thoughts to thinking and misguided finicking you will miss the most vital marked parts of the engine ROARING process of its parts to a whole NEW progress of creation as it needs to get messy before it becomes clear as aGuide we help YOU steer towards the mess in the message…

Finding critical mass answers that matter in the context of there life, even messy as you gain experience through trial and error you will gain from the err, a perspective detective outlook in life as a Coach and become a detective of setting forth a course correction through their ownership of the clues because being right isn’t that bright. Let them lead themselves to their own promised land…


Photo by Mohamed Nashah on Unsplash

…And when they finally begin, after the longing, endured hanging silence, listen (very important). I mean, really, really, really listen for the words behind the words or the war without the words that are formed expressions of eye darting repressions, a language full of expressions, itching fingers, scratching necks and misplaced hands rearranging to spec to arrange leads us as leaders to their personal riches of digging a foundation to their summit of niches...

Without thinking of what to say next. Nothing else needs to be said to hear it next. Listen to key tip points as they speak there truth like an iceberg full of tangled joints on the rise to the roof of consciousness bubbling, a bobbing buoy, surface breech shedding the weight of bubbling its transitional transformation to reach into the water from the melt, from an innercise of transcendental sweat-it-tation we all loose liquid when we lie in wait of our own self-exploration, so it may flow with a go and connect with a river of NO as it builds its source ahead as it warms up it becomes the truth of some…

…And the truth splayed state it needs to become a ripened fruit that goes to fruition to form its nutrition to give sustenance to a starved mind, body, and spirit of contrition as it journeys through its own rival place of the ole’ thief of beliefs-transition, creating a new belief to muster the ole’ to the new...

LISTEN… ( critical words)…

LISTEN SOME MORE… ( as words create worlds)

LISTEN… ( As the Story unfolds)

LISTEN… (AS IT gets retold)

listen (as the learning becomes a new)

Listen (as it success leaves clues)

Listen ( as the learning goes unlearned)

Listen (as the Vision and the direction become your friend)

Don’t formulate your response while they are talking.

Let them monkey mind it out, as they deep delve into their pollution of there solution of evolution until the ring is true of a thought solution to solve their rat race dilemma with the anathema that’s coming to arise to the creme of the heal that’s first a poison for us t re-heal. For sometimes things need to par-boil, cook and simmer to then create a shimmer.

From personal experience, this can be hard as solutions come left, and wither away right. Letting them digress to sort out their mess will be the fight, help them become the becoming as they sort through the sickness of their own weakness…

CLICK, and WHIRR ROARING STIRS, THE PURRS of conscious sabotaging thought with the concise measures as they measure and assess the progress through a process that may lead back and forth with or without your mess(age). Your questions are like acupuncture needles either missing the mark or hitting the target as they clench for more of what they seek to explore…

Also, don’t do that thing that you do, that thing where your headbanging with your noddings of agreement for them speaking to the faster beat of your beat can be a disaster and faster nodding the head will rush them clearly thinking and foster an unconscious signal to the Guest to wrap up because you have something important to say as the delving needs to depend to widen the gap.

What to do is a possible slow nod to signify that you are listening and have embarked on their journey with them as you give them the great white space of your focused attention…

Even if they are untangling the spaghetti soup of the mind. Hold your meaty tongue and listen, this takes dexterity plus a measure of your mental polarity willpower to quiet your own mind for them, possibly in exchange for that rapid nod is a polite one that’s slowly, beckoning them to bring forth the answer forth and is barely noticeable as they come out of there head to answer to the hed.

While wrapped up in there head, let them think there dead, let them think and if you feel they need guidance to help them out, then cut in and be polite as they sort it all out...


Keeping a pace of space in the conversation is a gift. Have I said this enuff?

Just like Star Trek speaks about space being the final frontier. The space they hold for themselves teaches them that it’s okay to be clear and okay in silence to have some deep, deep senses of reflection for a self-feedback loop will help them uncave the mysterious voids inside that have gone unexplained, unexplored in there modern cave until you let them hold the space long enough to be comfortable with the findings that they can let go of the ole’ loop to loop to suggest the new within. Life is a constant course correction detection of all the imperfections just to sort it out in the pickings of a direction.

You’re encouraging their courage to “Think Hard” and “Go Deep.”

Like the author, speaker, coach Brene Brown says in her book Dare to Lead, “If their behaviors are not okay, we set boundaries.”

“Between boundaries and structure lies freedom” — Bedros Keuilian



Raymond J. Negron

🗻“Guide”🗻 I am, RaymondJ. Negron, a Mindset Development Coach & a Dream Business Guide